Sabtu, 22 Mei 2010

About Flowers Petal

Petal (from Ancient Greek petalon "leaf", "thin plate") is one member or part of the corolla of a flower. The corolla is the name for all of the petals of a flower. The corolla (petals) and calyx (the name for all the sepals) make up the outer whorls of a flower; these form what is known as the perianth, which is used to attract pollinators based on its bright color. The term "tepal" is usually applied when the petals and sepals are similar in shape and color. In a "typical" flower, the petals are showy and colored and surround the reproductive parts. The number of petals in a flower (see merosity) indicates the plant's classification, eudicots (the largest group of dicots) having typically four or five petals and monocots having three, or some multiple of three, petals.

The genetics behind the formation of petals, in accordance with the ABC model of flower development, are that sepals, petals, stamens, and carpels are modified versions of each other. It seems that the mechanisms to form petals evolved a small number of times (perhaps only once), rather than evolving independently from stamens in a large number of plants.

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See Also : Florist Canada, Florists Deliver, Next Day Flowers Delivery

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