Minggu, 27 Juni 2010


As Canary thimbles (Isoplexis) is a genus of the family Plantaginaceae (Plantaginaceae is called), which includes four types of multi-annual shrubs that occur exclusively on the zentralmakaronesischen archipelago.


Isoplexis-species love sunny locations and are characterized by orange-brown tubular flowers that are arranged in spikes. The leathery leaves are dark green.


The species is native only to the zentralmakaronesischen Archipelago, that is the Canary Islands and Madeira (including the offshore islands of Porto Santo and Deserted Islands). The species are found in their home only rarely and in some cases threatened with extinction (Isoplexis chalcanta).

Isoplexis canariensis is sometimes offered as an ornamental plant, but must be kept as a container plant, as all Isoplexis species are not hardy.

Use / health risk

Canary thimbles contain cardiac glycosides, as for example with Canarigenin or Uzarigenin aglycone. As Zuckerkomponeneten especially D-glucose, D-fucose and D-digitoxose appear. A broad therapeutic use, as with the native thimbles, not just because of the rare occurrence given. Canary thimbles are among the most poisonous plants.

Source: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isoplexis

See Also: International Flower Delivery, Florist

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