Senin, 28 Juni 2010

Small Pond Rose Appearance

The little water-lily (Nuphar pumila) is a species of the genus of water lilies (Nuphar) in the lily family of plants (Nymphaeaceae),.


The little pond rose is a perennial herbaceous plant. This aquatic plant forms rhizomes, which have a diameter of 1-3 cm.

Their leaves resemble those of the large swimming pool rose, but are only 5-15 cm long. They have 11-18 lateral veins. The leaf is hairy to various degrees. It will train underwater leaves.

The yellow, slightly fragrant, bisexual, but somewhat flower show open to it cm in diameter 2 to 3 The petals are yellow. There are many spirally arranged petals present. The 37-65 stamens are twice as long as broad. The anthers are 1-6 mm long.

The pollen is fertile for more than 90%. The mostly flat, star-shaped, wavy, sinuous scars on the edge of clear glass measures 6 to 8.5 mm in diameter. There are seven to twelve there in the end-grain edge rays.

The 1-2 cm wide at the top of fruit is often curved to one side. These brown seeds are 3.5 to 4 mm long.

The flowering period extends from June to September. The pollination occurs by insects. The spread of the fruit is carried by water.

The chromosome number is 2n = 34


See Also: International Flower Delivery, Florist

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